Richard Okere Jr - SFGL podcast - Ep 3

Strive For Good Life Podcast Ep 3: Marketing Strategies to Help Your Brand Succeed with Richard Okere Jr

January 28, 202545 min read


Welcome to Episode 3 of the SFGL Podcast wuth Richard Okere Jr., where we unlock the secrets to marketing strategies that help your brand succeed! In this episode, we’re joined by Richard Okere Jr., AKA The KingMaker, a renowned business development and marketing strategist. Richard specializes in helping personal and corporate brands scale their business, increase profits, and establish market leadership.

Are you looking to elevate your brand, boost engagement, and generate more revenue? Whether you're an entrepreneur, a content creator, or part of a corporate team, this episode is packed with actionable tips and insights to give you a competitive edge. From brand positioning strategies to practical advice on digital marketing and audience engagement, this is the ultimate guide to marketing success.

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Strive For Good Life Podcast Ep. 3 Transcript:

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Nino Pingera: Welcome everyone to the strife of your life podcast. I'm Nino. And I'm here with Richard. Carrie who is a business coach and strategist. I'm super excited to have him on because he's got lots of nuggets of wisdom to share with us today. And so Richard thank you so much for being here.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Thank you so much for having me, Nino. I'm glad to be here.

Nino Pingera: Yeah, yeah, glad to have you. So how about we just jump right into it? And you share with us a little bit about your entrepreneurial journey, how you got started those early influences and how you were brought to you,…

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Yeah.

Nino Pingera: where you are today.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: All thank you everybody for watching these. Thank you Nino's. Once again, for having me. Like I said, my name is Richard Cleary Junior and our business coach. But the person you have seen now has gone through a lot of evolving. And remember when I started out with the Internet and I was seeing all the Attractive trendy stuff. That's where you have the plugin affiliate marketing. you will see ads of people telling you you can make $10,000 in one day all this ads and

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Attracted me as a young person that was So this is possible. can you make all this money just from doing that and one day I was trying to practice affiliate marketing. I remember spending all the night trying to figure out how to put my affiliate product on a Web page that was literally not designed very empty Web page and my head. I was like, if I should just copy that link and put it on that web page. By the next morning, I'm going to be a millionaire but you can imagine where that sounded by the next day, how disappointed I was also waking up and they look checking my account and then I was zero dollars. Reacher.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: So that was the kind of the shocker that came to me, Okay, it's not the way people advertising but then that's what motivated me was the fact that who do this, if people are actually making money online from selling their skills, expertise and knowledge, then guys, a way to do it and I was determined to find what that way is. And then fast forward, I was now, learning more about it, affiliate marketing blog and I read a lot of articles, I read a lot of books but a lot of programs And then up until 2014. I had learned website. Designing, I had learned a whole lot email markets and all those things.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: But on top of the 14, the question now was Okay, you've learned all these things, but you are not really making money from AIDS compared to how much you can make in terms of revenue and how much impact also, you can deliver. So I know I needed to be playing the bigger game and those when I went on Facebook, one day, I was just checking out Facebook, not necessarily looking for anything. I can't remember what I was doing that, but I saw an advert by somebody seven hours and another city in Nigeria in Lagos for people who know, All and I saw that advert and I was like, awesome. I read it sales copy. He was advertising a training in with him it workshop.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: And I never met this guy before he was different from every other popular Internet marketing guy that we knew in Nigeria. and I was fully not the popular guy. So I've never known this guy before. I've not had his name, I googled him checked him out, on this website, check his social media and I found that. these guys legit based on my knowledge of Internet marketing, I could tell that, This guy is legit in the things that he was saying, then I paid for the program traveled on my route. about 70 hours to meet this guy. There are other people who paid for the program. Fortunately, for me, unfortunately, I wouldn't know, but I was the only person who showed up out of the other people who paid for the program and turned out to be coming one on one private coaching program.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: And then for six hours, he drew me on what it means to play the next level game, how to document your package your knowledge and communicate, the value that you have and I was more interested in learning the principles and the strategies not necessarily the product of whatever we have created at that meeting. That was going to be my product so to see. But then I learned the thinking behind what was teaching. Need. And then I was able to use that to be able to apply that. I began to use what he has taught me to apply to basically grow my brand. And that culminated into what I call the territorial domination framework, where I created my own framework, which I used to help people to be able to monetize their expertise knowledge and build the business out of


Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Worked with of many organizations.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: One of my biggest clients is one of the top 10 parent coaches in the world. And that somebody recognized by Facebook,…

Nino Pingera: Wow.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Facebook, give her an award. she went to Facebook, they sponsored in the US to Facebook Company. So she's the biggest in Africa. So that was one of the first people that I started, walking with. Then I've worked a lot of companies and One of my most recent results is my wife. She launched our brand and…

Nino Pingera: really

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: he was a very successful launch that we did basically to launch a brand and she started with an online course, it was madly successful. She had over 3000 people who bought the course. And so the point of this whole story is basically just mentioning the fact that I went through a lot of down moments. I remember those times when I was, trying out, I wasn't making money. It was a struggle. I remember a lot of time because I was seeing young boy, this was about 10 years.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: so late at night, my mom would come

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Comments can be but Richard get of that laptop and go and sleep but I was determined to figure it out. And I just thank God where I am today and yeah, that's basically it.

Nino Pingera: Yeah, you've had quite a journey so I'm curious you said a lot of great things there things that people can really take away from themselves. So the importance of finding an expert to kind of mentor you and teach you, fill in the gaps of what you didn't know, essentially, but you had already been in digital marketing for quite a few years,…

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Yeah.

Nino Pingera: And you've been honing those skills of understanding…

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Yeah.

Nino Pingera: how to put Web pages together and what are some of the other skills that you think, we're Important in your journey to develop.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: okay, I think one of the critical skills that everybody needs to develop, is he's thinking skills thinking in the sense of you.

Nino Pingera: And what do you mean by that? Yeah.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: So, when I say thinking, it's basically asking yourself questions. Another way to paraphrase that is questioning skills, because if you're asking questions, that means you are thinking So why is this working for this person? What am I doing wrong? I do who do I need to meet? those questions and then thinking also in terms of what for example, when you ask yourself the question, when you say, How do I become better at what I do, That's the question. You ask yourself. So you think in terms of What are the things that I have done that has brought me this results. Can I articulate those things and then How can I put that into a framework? of course, you might not necessarily get all the answers.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: And immediately but doing that brain work,…

Nino Pingera: Yeah.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: what it does is that it just keeps your mind active. It also keeps your mind receptive to new knowledge. I'm also because if you are not thinking you don't stretch your mind, So that's one of the most critical things that people need to learn…

Nino Pingera: Yeah.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: how to think on your expertise, think on what your business also. So that's The second skill that I would mention is

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: That has helped me is having some digital marketing generally. So, when I say digital marketing, I don't mean Check knowledge and knowing how to, build funnels and connect if you can do that, that's awesome. But people need to know that we are in where the digital age and as much as you try to run away from technology, it's going to keep running towards you. It's going to keep chasing you. so

Nino Pingera: Believe in embrace it, right?

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: So I had to learn that. So I meet a lot of people who struggle with technology and they tell you, I'm not a tech person. I can't learn all those things, but you just have to. So start with basic things. How do you design on camera? I mean, that's one of the easiest. How do you send an email marketing campaign? How do you use probably platform? what press, all those things start touching your hands and it's going to help you a lot. So those are the skills that I'll mention then the other skill that I also mentioned is being able to document your process in a step-by-step way.


Eagleforts Integrated Resources: So being able to document your process. and That's the foundation of your being able to deliver results. If you cannot document, how you arrived at results and how you can apply that to somebody else, then you cannot build a business with a lot of Transformation. So, That's one of the things that people need to learn how to do. I think that's basically the things that I mentioned, the other things that go into it. you…

Nino Pingera: Yeah.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Tablet, but I think that those things are things that can be learned. I like to focus on the hardcore things that if you master those things then, just things that you probably can't even hire somebody to do those things for you.

Nino Pingera: Yeah, So let me just break down those things that you just mentioned real quick just to make it all the easier for the audience to understand, some of the people listening,…

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Yeah.

Nino Pingera: may not, fully understand kind of what you just mentioned. But essentially, when it comes to technology, So there's so many platforms out there that make it very simple to design Web pages, for example, I mean WordPress you can use Elementary which is a plug-in to just drag and…

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Yeah.

Nino Pingera: drop things, right? You mentioned canva for graphic design, which is again, just you drag and drop things onto a page, super simple, So, you don't need to have a lot of very technical skills to be able to do this at this point and with the evolution of AI. Now being, plugged into everything, you…

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Exactly.

Nino Pingera: it makes it even easier. I mean, to the point where Web pages are designed just with a word prompt, you can just write out what and it'll build it for you.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Yeah.

Nino Pingera: So this idea that

Nino Pingera: Technologies a scary thing. It's just not really the case anymore, It's becoming really basic for users to jump in and be able to do some really cool things with. And you just like you said,…

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Yeah.

Nino Pingera: you just have to not be afraid of it. And so I think that's a big piece of it.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Mmm.

Nino Pingera: The other thing you touched on was being able to package your skills and your expertise into a product. So having a really solid offer. And so that's very important because of the other piece that you mentioned, which is the transformation that people need to have or to be a good offer, People want to know what is gonna happen in their lives. if they purchase your product, if they sign up for your service, they want to know that they're gonna get results and be clear on what that looks like in their life. So I'm glad you mentioned that. how has

Nino Pingera: I want to get into Your Territorial Domination Framework for a Little Bit.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Mmm.

Nino Pingera: Do you want to lay that out and kind of break it down a little bit for the audience as well?

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Okay, so the term addition framework is the framework that used to help people to the whole idea is that I'm not just Post on you starting to make money or building flex or what you do. I'm also Just that you dominating your market. I'm also interested in. You're going into the market and stamping your authority in that market. As one of the leaders in that market. So that's why I call the territorial domination. In the territory. So there are basically

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Six Steps to eat, six steps that you need to take and In an order. So, the first step is mastering your blood message. so, mastering your brand message is basically, what is Master your brand message. Basically, how do you communicate your value that people understand that you are the person for them, also, in the way that See the future that you want to give to them. How do you communicate? Your value in a way that people resonate with, you understand that? I want to basically work with you. So you basically means being Package, that and packaging your messages, essentially, about three things. It's about understanding what it is. You are doing. So what it is that we are doing, is your brand message or your Description. How you describe what you do second. how is your framework your step process to? people from a point of problem to a point of solution, and then the last thing,

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Why is your brand story? so that's the first level. Being able to articulate your Second level is productization is basically the different types of Products that you can create and offer to solve people's Different kinds of solutions that you can create. So that way you have things like online courses, The One Group Coaching program? digital products, all those things are inside this And people also have to understand that there's Between creating products and In an offer. So, a product is I've created a tangible so to see, but the offer is In that comes with that you are offering people. that And your offer, what you are promising To give to people probably at a specific time. Specific kind of way. That is your


Eagleforts Integrated Resources: So that's The third level is plat. Region Platformer solution has to do with building your own. Platform every leader people who follow you. So if you don't have people who follow, you are not a leader. So the Is to build your own. Platform. and how I enco if you lost me there. Okay, how I encour People.

Nino Pingera: I guess I can still see you, but

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Encourage people to do that. Is I like people so there are two types of products like that. there are tribe builders and they are well to builders. So, I deal with us are products that you use to build your tribe. Where you have basically cheap products. So to say, Been there are the wealth builders that's where you have the high ticket. the tribute as are things. People to build their So basically, Build your community around people who have bought your product or services. To no matter how much they spend a dollar two dollar. The last use those people to build your company as they are paying ass. In a place, offer them more value and then sell more stuff to them. So, the other part is the

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: So epic, launches are when you now have created your product. You launch your product to those people in that platform and New people. and I usually recommend Use two methods. So you can use

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Or you can use federal summits. So there, Things that if done very well can give you a lot of attention. we also to bring value to people and also help you to I see especially webinars. I see them as Giving you the permission to sell to them or do a sales presentation to them. In a way that gives them value, and also makes you money. So that's…

Nino Pingera: Yeah.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: how I see Webinars. So that's for epic launches. Then the Number five thing is celebrity position is you are making money, you have done a lunch and people have said, buying your products, then the other How do you now gain that leadership, positioning in your market? And that's where you have. To these things like content creation and not just own the type of content that you create, especially Example You can Do It. 14 Day, Content, Creation Challenge on All. Platforms to just be in the face of people. So that's one. Adapting that comes to do is search engine optimization. To this. Also, currencies media appearances are very key also that's where

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: In basically what anything that you do, that's when people go Search your name, your name comes out tops because that's the Most basic way to know who a leader is in the market. So, That's for that. And then the 10 East sustainability. So sustainability has to do with how

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: How do you build your business?

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: How do you build your business? Run even in your absence. That's what I'm sustainability. Basically So, the teams that you need to have working with you, the processes that you need to set up for your business. The

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Being able to document how things are done. So that when somebody else comes into your

Nino Pingera: I might just last year.

Nino Pingera: Still there, Richard.

Nino Pingera: You froze on me. Don't know what happened.


Nino Pingera: My Internet seems fine. It's great. Can you hear me at all? I can't hear you or see you.

Nino Pingera: After. Okay, you're about your back. Sorry, I cut out and I can cut this part in the recording. So

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Thank you.

Nino Pingera: Yeah, so yeah, don't worry about it where you left off for me It was when you were talking about having, structure and processes so that you can bring other people into the business. So if you want to kind of cover that again and pick back up there, then I'll just cut this part up.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: All right. So the last part is So, sustainability is how you automate your business. So that people can reproduce the results that you are producing, especially people that work with you as a team. So you're making money, you don't want to hire people to be able to do the things that probably you have been doing them. And you want to focus more on. result, or

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: You are your core things that you want to be doing to.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: It means documenting, the processes.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Times and any other process. So,

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: When they come to work with you, they can watch the

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: just, Things that I have to do with tech, but everything that has to do with your organization. The business you are doing things like your brand strategy, your vision, your mission, your brand purpose, all those things, come into sustainability, how you build your legacy business. So that's where the things like team management teams like even your performance, because when it comes to working with a team, the effort and sacrifice from you changes because now you're working with people. Yes. So you basically have to improve your leadership.

Nino Pingera: Yeah.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: So that's basically the last time ritory. Our domination framework and systems.

Nino Pingera: I love it. I think it's a solid framework and obviously to successfully grow a business. It's going to require a lot of different skills. And so, I love that you've laid it out, straightforward.

Nino Pingera: So I had a couple questions…

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Yeah.

Nino Pingera: because what you said was really interesting. So a lot of What you've talked about is this idea of being able to package your knowledge, What do you recommend for people that don't feel like they have a lot of knowledge that are just starting out Maybe How do you get kind of someone new I guess you would say plugged in and set up with some kind of a product. What would you recommend?

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Really get that question. People come to me and they are like okay I don't know what to sell. What do I package? Generally, the question of what is? It's kind of related to the person of purpose. Also, most times people, they don't know what their purpose is. Because most times when you at least a purpose, when you find that, then you can begin to deal down to what you can create as a sol. so that's something I called the proposed equation. So the purpose equation is the equation to find people so it's basically Your skill or experience plus a message. Plus a vision.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: That is purpose your skill or…

Nino Pingera: All right.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: experience. So basically we have to start with your skill What is an experience that you have gone through that? You learned a lot from that experience and you feel like you don't want other people to go through that experience. But most times a bad experience, it can be a bad experience or it can be a good experience. Probably you had a wonderful wonderful parenting. you believe that or how you wear socks, as successful. We launching a product and probably you didn't make a lot of mistakes. Those are good Bad experiences, it divorce business video. Those things I experiences. So that's where we start from Skills can be, you have digital marketing skills, you have experience. With let's say farming experience, you have experience with,

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: healthcare experience, whatever skill that you have. So the whole idea is start from there. Then we now decide to tie a message to that. What is the message that people can get out of that experience or skill? So you want to help people can? For example, let's say that your skill is Your experience is that you were able to build a very successful. Business. So a message is that You too can build a successful business just by applying this skill or Let's say you build a very good beauty business. I can help beauty enthusiasts to build their own six figure business, you now tie a message to that. Then the other thing is now with high efficient to that vision is and the vision has to be in twofold yourself and The market. So, Self is, where do you want to be in terms of revenue in terms of impact?


Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Also and therefore the market is what kind of influence you want to have on the market. What do you want to change on the market in the marketplace? So that's like a vision. So what do you want to change? Because you are there in the marketplace so that's basically how we are going to approach that.

Nino Pingera: Yeah, I love that you've broken it down into different pieces and then, being able to put that together, I think really powerful for people if they can do that. I love that you also mentioned so you brought up Webinars and summits as something that you really like doing how do…

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Yeah.

Nino Pingera: I just had a curiosity, kind of what have you found to be the best way to market something like a webinar or something? What do you know, walk us through a little bit about how you put that out there in the world and get people to sign up for this.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: so essentially people need to understand our rs. Online submit their lead generation strategies So if I want to do a webinar, I have a webinar upcoming on Monday. So the process is basically, first of all, you identify the topic that you want to teach on. So the topic is where you are providing a holistic solution to an aspect of the problem that people are going to

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: So istic a complete solution as an aspect of the problem. People are going to. So for example, the webinar deal on Monday is for team parents and teen coaches and parent coaches. and I recognize that is a struggle for a lot of them based on my experience working with some of them, that whole lot of them do not know how to launch online businesses and I basically crafted a topic around that and…

Nino Pingera: Right.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: I'm doing a web. My academy behind that. But the idea is that find a problem that people are going to. You can just do a quick exercise of Asking yourself, What are all the possible problems that These people are going through list all of time. All of them down. Don't overthink it just what as comes to you. Just keep writing. of that you write all of them on the left. If I make it, it could too close. We can write all of them Then on the right, you flip each of those problems to topics. So for example, one problem is that they don't know how to use technology. so, if I want to flip that to a topic, I'll say how to launch your online business. even if you're not tech savvy.

Nino Pingera: Okay.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Okay, or how to get a lot of clients without being a tech savvy person. something like that. So the whole idea is to list out all the topics and then flip all them, topics all the problems and then all of them to topics. And then You have a lot of topics to play with. So you can choose if you have a community, do a survey, get it topic and then basically creatives, are your video? Your graphic designs you can convert to make some of those things. It's very easy. Challenge on Canva to do those things. When you have Your designs done and your video. The next thing is to build your funnel.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: So when it comes to building a funnel, there are systems that you can use, that can help you just build everything in one place. So you have click funnels, you have system either IU you have I think Mailchimp has that also. So, To.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Yeah, those places are platforms that you can use if you have a website then it might be an integration of your website probably mailchimp or convert kids, all those platforms. but that's basically your funnel create your Web page for people to register. You can have also email follow-ups are. When people register for your webinar, they automated emails. They begin to get to warm them up towards the webinar. and so, you have those things free sequenced. So that once people register, that is not getting the emails, and then on the webinar, you use platforms I like zoom a lot. You can use other platforms like webinar jam, go to webinar. All those platforms also work for you to host the webinar.


Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Then for publicity or to promote the webinar. I am a paid advertising person. I run ads on Facebook to get my audience so I'd run ads and then some of that thing that I do is that Child to people in my community, people who have gone through my programs and I asked them, Can you help me promote these on your platforms and a lot of them do and that is built on the fact that I have built a relationship with them. So when I sell to my clients or work with them, I don't just think of them as people who buy my products. I also think of them as potential relationships. So yeah, I also think of them as people that can really connect with for various reasons, your quality relationships with them. So, in that way, they help me. So paid advertising reach out to people.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: It's an online summit. And I'm hosting that with, inviting a lot of people to be part of speakers and then ask them to promote on their platforms. But really I try to own my promotion. So I would have had the budget for it. I run the ads and get the people I want in.

Nino Pingera: I love that. I think it's gonna be really helpful. I mean, you really broke it down. I mean, even from designing the webinar and …

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Yeah.

Nino Pingera: the tools you use. So I think that's really gonna be helpful for our audience because maybe never done a webinar.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Yeah.

Nino Pingera: I love So I want to go back a little bit to, this idea that you really started. Taking off with your business and the understanding what you need to do to grow your business when you found an expert, And so I found that that's really valuable to kind of be mentored or to find people that are already doing what you want to do, As a way to kind of get ahead but what are some other ways in which you've Helped yourself grow and develop further into the person that you want to be like, are there? I don't know. Are you part of mastermind groups or do you continue to get coaching yourself or do you have meditation practice? what are some of those tools to help you level up?

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: okay, so I'm going to see probably three Yes, I was just going to mention the mastermind just last year two years ago as a two years ago, I didn't have the mastermind. So last year I thought about why don't I have a mastermind? So I have people like mentors. I look up to but then I want to have colleagues and peers that can inspire me and keep me accountable. So I reached out I just thought of some of my friends that I know that doing big stuff that I'm not going to be in their circle and suddenly be the smartest person. So I thought about them and then I just wrote them their names down and then I called them on the phone, call them. Hey I'm thinking that we do these And initially, I was thinking of it to be like a small. People think.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: And I met them in a first meeting. They just blew it up let's register it as an organization, Have rules and regulation all those big sounding things like formalize, it and all that. So that was how we created a mastermind. So we meet once a month. You expected to come with what you are doing. Everybody reviews, what everybody is doing and then people can, criticize and give ideas all So that's how the mastermind that and they spire me a lot. They are doing big things, amazing things. So, one of them is He's the biggest wellness coach in Nigeria.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: His YouTube channel is over a hundred thousand subscribers and is doing a credit a lot of amazing things. So that's for that in the second aspect is I'm a very spiritual person. So I pray a lot and that's my meditation. So to say so, when I have plans or things that I want to do, I pray about it and then get inspiration. I listen to God. Pay attention to how he's speaking to me also, so that I can be sure to adjust things that I want to adjust also. So pretty is a big part of that. Also, how I grew. Then the last part is action.


Eagleforts Integrated Resources: taking action. for me, it's very important. No matter what. Plants you make, if you don't back it up with action, they're just going to be plans. No results comes out of it. No learning comes out of it. No, so that's for me, is very important. So, if the fact that once, how I reached out to you, to be on this podcast, was me taking action and when we booked for the appointment, I think I missed the first appointment and then

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: But the second one I have to schedule that on my reminder of my I have an alarm that rings and tells me, Hey, you have this to do and those that is me pushing myself to make sure that I take the actions that I need to take. so people need to understand that whatever resources that you want to achieve. It's bent on how much effort you put into it. That is action. So that's basically the three things. Number one is I have a mastermind, so have a group of people that inspire you motivate, you keep you accountable. There's no jealousy. There is no basically positive energy. Second is for me,…

Nino Pingera: Yes.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: if that works for you I pray a lot on my plans and listen to God, tell me what not to do, basically. And then, the last thing is take action on the things that you learn, whatever it is, that you've heard me say today, the most important thing that you can do out of, this is try out, something go and implement something set up an account. plan for your webinar, choose the topic, just do something, that's how you learn, and that's how you grow.

Nino Pingera: Yeah, I love each of those points and they've been powerful in my life as well. I think.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Yeah.

Nino Pingera: You know what you mentioned about putting yourself out there. There's so many people that are afraid. To do that. For some reason that I grew up being very introverted and so I totally understand that …

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Yeah.

Nino Pingera: there might be some shyness or insecurity. But, if you imagine, the only way a business can grow is if people know about it. And so you have to be talking about it, you have to be telling people, you have to be making connections like this,…

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Exactly.

Nino Pingera: It's the only way to do it as uncomfortable as that is and part of the process of becoming successful is overcoming that if that's a problem for you.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Yeah.

Nino Pingera: Let's talk about some of the challenges that

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: And to speak to you and to speak to the shyness thing that you mentioned also is that the biggest way to overcome a shyness or lack of confidence is to face whatever it is that you want to do and recognize the fact that you are going to make mistakes and recognize the fact that you are not perfect and recognize the fact that you don't have to compare yourself with somebody who is 10 years ahead of you in the game or even two years ahead of you in the game. the fact is that you are not on the same levels. So you are looking at somebody and you think that, this person can I measure up to this person? you don't need to do that the

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: The most noble thing that you can do for yourself is to rate yourself by, who you wear yesterday? So that's the most noble thing, you can do for yourself. So the fact that you wake up today and you are better off than you were yesterday, that's the best thing. I don't rate yourself by somebody else. Reach yourself by. Who you wear? Yes.

Nino Pingera: I love that. That's such a great reminder. It's just that principle of, a little bit every day, Like you said, just gradual improvements eventually turn into big improvements.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: it's At. Yeah.

Nino Pingera: So, I love that and that it's such a problem for people. In today's world to compare themselves, And so Great reminder to get away from that and not fall into the trap.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Yeah.

Nino Pingera: Let's talk about some of the challenges you faced in business. I mean, I don't know what it's like in Nigeria. Where you're from? I doing a little bit of work with a nonprofit in Liberia and…

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Thought it.

Nino Pingera: I don't know if it's similar at all because I don't know Africa,…

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Okay.

Nino Pingera: but I've heard about some of the economic challenges there and the struggles with their people and…

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Yeah.

Nino Pingera: so I don't know. I mean, is there

Nino Pingera: Are there challenges specific to where, even you live that have made it hard for you as a business owner or…

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Yeah.

Nino Pingera: someone that wants to succeed in the world? Do you want to speak to that a little bit or Yeah.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: yes, so the changes basically are Most of the things that people abroad have easily at this that we have to struggle for probably you have to provide for yourself. So sort of like we are our own government.


Nino Pingera: Yeah.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: so that there are things like, you have Internet is not very strong that challenges. So you have to make sure that You have three different Internet services whenever you're doing it.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: and I want to, one of the things that does for us is that it makes us stronger. Because I don't know how many that Nigerians are dogged fighters who fight through anything to get results. does that when you comes to the infraction challenges, that we have when it comes to the business aspect, the challenge I think they're basically One of the biggest challenges that I have I had was Being able to focus on. The Business Trust and Focus. So when you trust an idea or a business idea that then you have to focus on it and say no, to every other thing. so you find yourself trying to do. Two bit.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: A little bit of these just because you want to make ends You want to get the money here and you find yourself spreading your limited resources on various things. Why not put all that resources in terms of energy money time into something and see that thing grew? So that was one of the challenges that I had and So I have to learn that especially when I noticed that, it was bringing me a lot of struggle. A lot of it was hurting my relationships, also, because I'm very big on working with clients and building relationship with them, but because you are everywhere, you're able to serve somebody very well. The person knows and then you find yourself,

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: So that was a big struggle for me.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Last year that I decided to just focus on coaching consulting so that's when it comes to the business aspect of it, aside that no other challenges. the most important thing is, which is related to the last thing. I said being able to know where you are time, not trying to compare yourself to. This is where I want to That kind of thing and knowing that I'm being able to recognize and be grateful for the progress that you are making.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Also, I think that can be a challenge for people,…

Nino Pingera: Yeah.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: knowing that not where you were yesterday. And most times when you lose that knowledge when you don't have that knowledge, you just pressure yourself on necessarily. You are just always anxious and that's not good for business and that just tells on every other aspect of your business or your life. So just not the things that I've mentioned at the Number one in fact, social challenges that we have in Nigeria Africa

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Not to doing the things to say, no and focus on specific things, that matter. And then the last is Bit. What's lasted knowing Grateful for where you are and just being grateful for where you are and not rating yourself by comparing yourself to other people on necessary.

Nino Pingera: Yeah, I love those are all great points you mentioned earlier, getting comfortable with failure so I'm kind of curious. What are some specific failures that you can point to along your path where you maybe learn some valuable lessons

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: I think I've mentioned my first video that was when I was trying the athlete marketing business. it was very confusing…

Nino Pingera: Yeah.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: because I can still pick choice in my mind, the day that I finished, if the amount of effort all through the night because I had no knowledge of online business so this was just me trying it out for the first time and then suddenly after that walk all through the night, getting a little sleep waking up in the morning and find that nothing happened. So I think that was my first video.

Nino Pingera: Yeah.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: The other videos that have had Is.

Nino Pingera: Sorry, real quick. Can I touch on that? I'm so just help our audience.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Okay.

Nino Pingera: So because I think a lot of people kind of go through that, they have an expectation of something without realizing really, what needs to happen in order to make it successful. So, in that case, I just want to point out. It was probably likely that, you didn't have any traffic to whatever page it was, right? and I think a lot of people underestimate how much volume it actually takes to get a sale.


Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Exactly.

Nino Pingera: So you need a lot of views. You need a lot of people to come and see what you're doing before you get buyers.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Yeah. Yeah.

Nino Pingera: So I just wanted to point out real quick, that it probably could have worked eventually, How do you just generated enough traffic to it?

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Yes.

Nino Pingera: But yeah, go ahead. Sorry, didn't mean to inter

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Thank you. So that's what the first video. The other failure. and I'm part of me, I'm not somebody how do I put when failures happen? I begin to brood or needs and, get what walked up on it. I probably may not even notice it as failure. Is he,…

Nino Pingera: Yeah.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: it's just in my wires. I have to make extra efforts to think of the things that I did that did not succeed. So I think the image it's one I can think of or just two weeks ago I didn't lunch, I was in a lunch for my Academy. I had high expectations for it. I collaborated with one of the biggest people in Africa that the lady I mentioned is the number one parent coach in Africa, in I collaborated with her, the whole idea was it was going to be a mega launch, but then I finished the lunch and then Only one person signed up for what was I said then, so I had expected, I didn't really after that. A lot of people sign up and pay and all those things, but then only one person signed up.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Frankly, for me, I said, I wouldn't call it a failure because I don't know how to call things failure. Okay, I just look at them as feedback so…

Nino Pingera: Yeah.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: but that wasn't.

Nino Pingera: Yeah, I love it.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Yeah, so that was something not going. the next thing I thought about is out there thinking, Okay, what did I do? Wrong, was I supposed to focus on another thing and I'd now got the inspiration that I was praying about it and I got inspiration that. Why are you trying to do this general thing. So one thing

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: On blue ocean markets. So, There are so many blue ocean, markets markets, that people have Blue. Ocean is markets that people have not penetrated. She's a hungry market, but there's not a lot of people in that market and you can go into that market. So I like that a lot and I have a blue ocean market that paid out well, for me, and I thought to myself, Why not focus on this market. In fact, beyond Nigeria, taking global. Just before I came on this call, I did the ads promoting that offer globally. I'm targeting us at the United Kingdom, so,

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: and this is a huge market that people are not focusing on, and why not positioning that market. So, I decided to just leave the offer climate earlier. I'm still going to serve the one person that paid for what I offered earlier, but then I'm going to force more on this blue ocean market because that is one of my strength zones, I'm very big on Blue, Ocean Market, I can spot them easily and then focus on them. So I think that's how I would say your question about videos.

Nino Pingera: Yeah, no, I love that. I think. Okay, so a couple things there, the blue ocean strategy I think is very important for people to understand. I love that you brought that up and it's exactly what you said, A market that isn't already saturated with a lot of competition. So find something that's wide open…

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Yeah.

Nino Pingera: where there's a lot of opportunity and not a lot of people serving those people in that market.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Yeah.

Nino Pingera: And then the other part, just the ability that you have to not look at things as failures. but instead look at it as feedback, I think that's very powerful. The way that I frame that is is that everything for me is a data point, right? and…

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Yeah.

Nino Pingera: so, everything's an experiment where I'm just collecting data and I need a lot of data to be able to make informed decisions.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Exactly. You

Nino Pingera: And so that's how I view it. and so everything for me is an experiment, just …

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: exactly.

Nino Pingera: what happens and you learn from it and move forward. and I think that skill because I really think it's a skill that you can, develop is key for people to succeeding in business and…

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Yes.

Nino Pingera: as entrepreneurs in general.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Yeah.

Nino Pingera: So I'm really glad you brought that up. we've got a few minutes left. Tell us.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Okay.

Nino Pingera: Let's get into your offer and What's the invitation you have to our audience listening today?


Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Okay, so the information I have for the audience today is that if you are in a place where I know in our prayer call, I mentioned a program that I was packaging by this dance, but that's part of the program. I decided to leave out and not try to promote that book. What I am very particular on right now is people who you just basically want to have an expert guide you on how to take your message into the market. And

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Business. so I have my one-on-one coaching program which is what if you And we can have a discovery call a quick call.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: And then we can

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: My one-on-one coaching program is, Should I mention the price and everything here?

Nino Pingera: we can leave the links in the show notes and people can go find out…

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Okay, so you can just book a consultation with me.

Nino Pingera: what I just

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Is a free consultation will speak and then we can take it off from there.

Nino Pingera: I love that. So yeah I mean obviously a lot of value people's lives. The people I work with you sound like they're doing really well, and clearly you've demonstrated what you're talking about. So I would definitely recommend that anyone work with what's kind of the last thing you want to leave with people just to wrap up the show? Is there anything?

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: Okay.

Nino Pingera: We haven't talked about that? You think would be valuable for people to know especially those maybe starting out that are kind of brand new give them kind of a step up in their journey.

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: So I think it is related to the last what you said about trying and feel you, is that just what you mentioned that failures are more like data points and the people need to understand that just you said, the more a huge volume of failures. You need to give to yourself that. So that basically means that you need to get the determined that you are going to succeed. So long as you have, sure about that the message about what you want, the solution, you want to provide, you have to keep on working it, it has taken me how many years?

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: 10 nine years now I started professionally 2014 before. Then I was acquired a lot of skills and I was taking me nine years to get to where I'm and mostly way I want to be. Okay, so the point is that, but the beautiful thing is that, if you can get coaching by somebody who has gone through the process and then Get coaching and commit to walking commit to working, and working and working action act in an action, eventually grow. And you find in fact with the tools that we have today you will go faster and you'll be amazed at the results that you produce.

Nino Pingera: I love that. Thank you so much for being on the show. Richard, it's been a pleasure to have you. Yeah, I for our audience,…

Eagleforts Integrated Resources: I'm grateful.

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